Errors & Omission Insurance

Insurance for when you or your employees make an honest mistake. Simple errors or omissions can not only cost you a customer or a bad review, but can also cost you a law suit. What traditional business insurance policies do not cover, Errors and Omission insurance come to play. Your insurance policy can be customized to fit the risks your particular business faces.

What Does It Cover?


E&O insurance protects you from law suits against your business for negligent acts, errors or omissions, which could potentially create a loss to your client’s reputation or finances.

Who is covered: Business Owner(s), employees (hourly and salaried), and subcontractors.

Who Needs E&O Insurance?







*Wedding Planners




*Advertising Agencies


*If your service could cause your client to loose money or harm their reputation/business, you should see if E&O insurance is needed.


Liability Insurance


Workers Compensation